Organised by Mommy Modernista, Hong Kong's Premiere Mommy Social Boutique, this Swap & High Tea party will allow modern and hip mommies to swap their "barely-used" or "not-used-at-all" baby items whilst socialise with fellow mommies over tea and tasty canapes.
What's more, each mom will receive a free gift from funkimama.com as well as having the chance to win fabulous prizes.
For further information, please contact: olivia@mommymodernista.com.hk
Mommy modernista: http://www.mommymodernista.com.hk/
朋友常常說小朋友大得很快, 面對一大埋寶寶幼時用的物品例如玩具, 服飾等等, 不知應如何處理, 掉了又太浪費, 送給朋友又不是每個朋友都適用, 十分苦惱, 與其煩惱怎樣處理, 何不參加於本月29日由Mommy Modernista於香港荷理活道108號舉辦的換物下午茶會?
歡迎所有媽咪將一些仍保存得很好, 甚至還未使用過的寶寶衣服, 物品等, 帶到會場, 趁這機會跟其他媽媽交換, 一邊享受茶點, 一邊跟媽咪們交換心得, 實屬難得
另外, funkimama.com亦會送出免費禮品一份給每位媽咪, 除此之外, 媽咪們還有機會嬴取神秘禮物呢!
如想索取資料, 歡迎到以下網址: