Lemon Water
1-2 slices freshly cut lemon
Warm/cold water
This highly effective drink and all natural drink takes no longer than 2 minutes to prepare. Place the slices of lemon in your cup, use a spoon to squeeze out some of the lemon juice. Pour warm/cold water over the lemon, serve immediately. An alternative to lemon, if you prefer, is lime. You may need to use 1/2 lime per cup as the limes are usually smaller in size. Enjoy!
檸檬水 - 每天早晚一杯增強免疫力
預防勝於治療 - 每天早晚喝一杯檸檬水,就算發現喉嚨痛一喝痛楚都馬上消失。檸檬帶有大量維生素C, 還有抵抗病菌,抗氧化,防癌功效, 有效幫助身提高天然免疫力。
製作方法很簡單, 在杯子內放2-3片檸檬, 用匙羹擠出檸檬汁,然後沖入温/冷水即可。 如喜歡易可用青檸代替檸檬,大概每杯用半個青檸。