26 March 2009

Why Toddlers don't do what they're told?

Funkimama now knows why her toddler doesn't listen to what he's told - well actually he does! He's just not using it immediately but choose to store this information for future use. Intrigued? Here's an article from Live Science to tell you more:

Why Toddlers Don't Do What They're Told

Posted: 24 Mar 2009

Are you listening to me? Didn't I just tell you to get your coat? Helloooo! It's cold out there... So goes many a conversation between parent and toddler. It seems everything you tell them either falls on deaf ears or goes in one ear and out the other. But that's not how it works. Toddlers listen, they just store the information for later use, a new study finds.

"I went into this study expecting a completely different set of findings," said psychology professor Yuko Munakata at the University of Colorado at Boulder. "There is a lot of work in the field of cognitive development that focuses on how kids are basically little versions of adults trying to do the same things adults do, but they're just not as good at it yet. What we show here is they are doing something completely different."

Munakata and colleagues used a computer game and a setup that measures the diameter of the pupil of the eye to determine the mental effort of the child to study the cognitive abilities of 3-and-a-half-year-olds and 8-year-olds.

The game involved teaching children simple rules about two cartoon characters — Blue from Blue's Clues and SpongeBob SquarePants — and their preferences for different objects. The children were told that Blue likes watermelon, so they were to press the happy face on the computer screen only when they saw Blue followed by a watermelon. When SpongeBob appeared, they were to press the sad face on the screen.

"The older kids found this sequence easy, because they can anticipate the answer before the object appears," said doctoral student Christopher Chatham, who participated in the study. "But preschoolers fail to anticipate in this way. Instead, they slow down and exert mental effort after being presented with the watermelon, as if they're thinking back to the character they had seen only after the fact."

The pupil measurements showed that 3-year-olds neither plan for the future nor live completely in the present. Instead, they call up the past as they need it.

"For example, let's say it's cold outside and you tell your 3-year-old to go get his jacket out of his bedroom and get ready to go outside," Chatham explained. "You might expect the child to plan for the future, think 'OK it's cold outside so the jacket will keep me warm.' But what we suggest is that this isn't what goes on in a 3-year-old's brain. Rather, they run outside, discover that it is cold, and then retrieve the memory of where their jacket is, and then they go get it."

The findings are detailed this week in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Munakata figures the results might help with real situations.

"If you just repeat something again and again that requires your young child to prepare for something in advance, that is not likely to be effective," Munakata said. "What would be more effective would be to somehow try to trigger this reactive function. So don't do something that requires them to plan ahead in their mind, but rather try to highlight the conflict that they are going to face. Perhaps you could say something like 'I know you don't want to take your coat now, but when you're standing in the yard shivering later, remember that you can get your coat from your bedroom."

article courtesy of Live Science

"你有沒有聽到我叫你拿外套穿呀? 喂喂! 外面很涼呀....." 以上類似媽媽跟小寶寶之間的對話相信大家都試過, 就好似你所講的每一個指示, 小寶寶總是好像完全聽不明, 甚至是左耳入右耳出呢? 其實並不如表面所想的, 小寶寶是明白的, 只不過他們不會立即跟指示做, 而是儲存在小腦子內稍後運用, 現在funkimama明白為何她的小寶寶總是不會跟自己的指示做了 就以上每個家長都有類似的問題, 科羅拉多大學心理學教授-Yuko Munakata就作出了研究與測試, 詳細的資料及內容, 可瀏覽他們的網址http://www.livescience.com/

25 March 2009

Infant / Child Safety

Funkimama has read a very sad piece of news yesterday about an 18-month old baby boy found dead from strangulation by a curtain cord at home in Hong Kong. It was reported that the baby was discovered unconcious by his carer, who was at the time cooking a meal while leaving the infant unattended. Both parents were away from home at the time.

This has given Funkimama a strong wish to share the importance of infant / child safety with fellow parents and carers.

Here is a booklet titled The Safe Nursery published by the US Consumer Product Safety Commission with very detailed tips on what parents and carers should watch out for with regard to infant safety. Safety tips provided in this booklet are not only for infant products but there is also a section with tips on general household safety.

If you are a working parent and your children spend the majority of the day with a carer, do ensure your carer is aware of the potential hazards and how to prevent injuries from occuring. Afterall, it is better safe than sorry.

funkimama在咋天的報章上看見一則令人傷感的新聞報導, 就是有一個18個月大的小朋友被家中的窗簾布繩索勒死了, 他的父母當時外出上班, 平常都是交由工人照顧, 而今次剛巧工人正忙著在煮飯, 只有小朋友獨個兒在客廳中玩耍, 在沒有任何成年人看顧下, 意外就發生了

這事令funkimama有很深刻的沖擊, 而且很希望可以在此和各位父母或照顧者分享一些有關嬰兒/兒童安全資訊

這裡有一本由美國安全產品委員會出版的小冊子 - The Safe Nursery, 詳細記錄及教導父母或看顧者應怎樣注意兒童安全問題, 避免意外發生, 而這本安全小貼士並不是只針對兒童方面, 它還教導一些日常生活家居安全小貼士呢

如閣下是上班一族, 而寶寶通常都是托他人照顧的話, 請務必確定所托之人是會注意並懂得避免那些潛在危險的事件發生


24 March 2009

It's fun to read

It is indeed fun to read. And it will probably be more fun to read if parents can make savings by purchasing brand new English books at an attractive discount!

Fun to Read specialises in childrens and cook books in the English language. By importing directly from overseas publishers (UK, US & Australia), Fun to Read are able to offer all items at extremely keen prices to benefit their direct customers.

You may purchase from their warehouse in Kwun Tong (prior appointments necessary, see details & map here), or if Kwun Tong is a bit too much of a hike for you, follow their book fair road shows. Funkimama summarises below a couple of upcoming road shows in Hong Kong shopping malls:

1) Olympian City Phase I - Central Atrium, U/G (MTR - Olympic Station), 24-29 March (Tue-Sun) 11am-9pm

2) Vicwood Plaza (MTR - Sheung Wan Exit E), 31 March - 3 April (Tue-Fri) 11am-8pm

Contact: Raymond Wong at +852 3105 3588 or email: raymond@funtoread.com.hk

Have fun reading!

Fun to Read 這間網上書店, 現正舉行折扣優惠, 務求令各家長更有樂趣地選購心儀的英文書籍給自己或小寶寶閱讀

這書店專門出售英文兒童圖書及烹飪書籍, 而且全是從外國入口的, 包括英國, 美國及澳洲, 所有產品, Fun to Read都會以絕對優惠的價錢來優惠他們的顧客

其實, 你可到他們位於觀塘的公司購買, 不過要先跟他們預約, 地址及資料如上, 如果覺得觀塘對你來說不大方便的話, funkimama提議你可選擇他們以下的流動售賣點:

1) 奧海城1期商場 - 地下中庭商場 (港鐡奧海城站) , 日期: 3月24-29日 (星期二至日), 時間: 早上11時至晚上九時

2) 維德廣場 - 港鐡上環站E出口, 日期: 3月31日- 4月3日(星期二至五), 時間: 早上11時至晚上8時

聯絡人: Raymond Wong - 3105 3588, 電郵: raymond@funtoread.com.hk

19 March 2009

Personalised Birthday Cakes - where to find?

Organising a birthday party for your loved ones?

Looking for a cake that gives that "WOW" effect to everyone who sees it?

Or looking for a wedding cake that's classy and personal?

Funkimama is a great fan of all things creative and personalised, therefore she is also a great fan of Nina's Cake.

Offering genuine home-baked cakes with a twist, Nina will bake just the cake you dream about. Be it a 3-D train, a swimming pool filled with friends and cool drinks, a barn filled with your kid's favourite animals, or a wedding cake to mark your "once-in-a-lifetime" moment ..... you give the idea , Nina will turn this into a "super WOW" cake which is also really tasty too! Prices are totally reasonable and delivery service is available.

Contact Nina: +852 2987 5217 or email: e3kan@netvigator.com

想為摰愛安排一個生日派對? 想找一個與眾不同的旦糕, 待每個人看見都會發出驚嘆聲? 甚至乎想找一個既典雅又獨特的個人結婚旦糕? funkimama平時就對一些創作新穎和專門為個人而設的產品特別有興趣, 而今次, Nina's Cake就成為她的特別推介! Nina的旦糕全是她親手製造, 只要是你想像得到的, 她都能為你一一做出, 無論是立體火車, 一個有人物, 有飲品的熱鬧游泳池, 一個有你寶貝喜歡的動物農莊, 或是你希望擁有一個獨特的結婚旦糕而為你人生最重要的日子留下難忘回憶, 只要你有任何構思, Nina最後都會為你做出一個令人驚嘆的作品, 不用擔心, 旦糕的味道也十分美味, 而且價錢合理, 還有送貨服務呢! 聯絡Nina可致電 2987 5217或電郵至 e3kan@netvigator.com

17 March 2009

Survive & Strive in Hong Kong's Air Pollution - how?

What are the effects of pollution to our health in this beloved cosmopolitan city of Hong Kong, and more importantly what can you do about it? Find out more from yet another great talk jointly organised by Naturezone this coming Saturday, 21 March 2009, from 2.30pm to 5.30pm at 3/F Amtel Building, 144-148 Des Voeux Road Central, Hong Kong.

Call +852 2543 8300 or send an email to info@naturezone.hk to reserve your seats or find out more.

香港受污染的問題日益嚴重, 究竟"污染"對我們有什麼影響呢? 而且我們對此又可以做些什麼呢? turezone在3月21日將舉行一個交流會, 就以上問題一一為大家解答, 日期為3月21日, 星期六, 時間: 下午2:30 - 5:30 於香港德輔道中144-148號, 安泰大廈3樓

名額有限, 請各位有興趣人士先行致電或電郵至以上網址留位

Natural Healing - Naturezone

For those of us who are keen on learning about the latest trends of Natural Healing, Naturezone is co-hosting a free talk with Vibrant Health on Apitherapy on 19 March 2009, from 7.00pm to 9.00pm at 1001 Tak Shing House, 20 Des Voeux Road Central. The speaker for this talk is Dr. Andreas Daugsch, a dedicated scientist on food chemistry and a PhD on Propolis and its chemical compositions and physicological properties.

At this talk, you can find out how green propolis can help in protecting us from environmental toxins, viral infections and cancer treatment.

Pre-registration is required and seats are limited, contact Vibrant Health at +852 2111 5181, info@vibranthealth.hk to book your seats or for further information.

16 March 2009

Quality infant & toddlerwear at super value

Looking for high quality infant and toddler wear from major UK & US retailers here in HK, yet don't want to break your wallets? Look no more, Togs Unlimited specialises in the retail & wholesale of quality samples & production over-runs of infant & kidswear direct from factories at very attractive prices. Their Central and Discovery Bay stores are totally clean and super well organised, mother and child friendly too.

Contact by phone: +852 2333 7525, or check out their website to find out more!

想在香港找到專營外國高品質的嬰兒或小朋友衣服的零售商嗎? 這間Togs是不錯的, 她們專門零售及批發這類既高品質又獨特的嬰兒衣飾, 而她們2間店舖均儲存了很多不同款式及不同品牌的嬰兒及小童衣服, 有些更是歐洲的大品牌, 而她們對產品的分類, 在系統上亦十分完善, 大家不妨瀏覽她們的網址及店舖地點再找多一點資料吧!

14 March 2009

Calming music for you and your little ones

Feeling like having a quiet moment, either for you and/or for your little ones? No problem, you can tune in to Solo Piano Radio, for some music to quiet your world.

Funkimama is a fan of this online radio station. Founded by pianist and composer David Nevue, this station offers high quality solo piano music from various piano artists whose music calms the mind and soothes the soul. Solo piano music is especially soothing for women during pregnancy, and it can help bring about a more tranquil and secure atmosphere for your babies too.

Listeners can tune in for free online directly from their website, or through the use an internet radio tuner such as itunes or window media player. In itunes, this radio station is categorised under "Classical".
Happy listening!

如妳想和妳的小寶寶享受一個安寧的空間, 平靜的世界, 不妨收聽一下這Solo Piano Radio網上音樂頻道, funkimama十分喜歡這個音樂頻道, 尤其這兒可找到她喜歡的鋼琴作曲家 - David Nevue, 除他以外, 還有很多不到世界各地的鋼琴演奏家, 聽聽他們高水準的個人鋼琴演奏, 絕對可撫慰平日緊張的思緒及心寧, 鋼琴音樂對平伏媽媽在懷孕期間所產生的緊張心情尤其有效, 而同時亦可帶給小寶寶一個既穩定又安全的氣氛呢! 妳可直接由他們的網站上收聽, 或可以經網上播放機的itunes/ window media player收聽, 如用itunes收聽的話, 他們的頻道是分類為"classical"

13 March 2009

Take Yoga Anywhere with yogadownload.com

Whilst it is important to care for our little ones as parents, it is equally important to make time to care for ourselves. Afterall, looking after a little one, with or without a job/business on top is in itself very demanding both in terms of energy and time. We need to ensure a healthy and balanced lifestyle, both mind and body.

A great way to unite your mind and body is by way of yoga practice. Funkimama takes at least 20 minutes from her daily schedule for her yoga exercise. Apart from enrolling in a class, you may also opt for great audio classes downloadable onto your computers and mp3s. A wide variety of yoga classes are downloadable from yogadownload.com. The 20-minute classes are free for dowloading, while you may purchase longer class of your choice. There are yoga classes of varying levels and styles to suit your needs and level of fitness. Pose guides are also readily downdloadable in PDF format as a handy reference.

Always consult your doctor prior to commencing any exercise at home, especially if you have not exercised for a while and/or if you are a complete beginner. Some yoga postures may require basic yoga knowledge. Be safe and enjoy the benefits of yoga! Happy yoga-ing!

作為父母, 注意力全集中在小寶寶身上是在所難免, 無論妳是全職媽咪還是需要工作的媽咪, 總覺得照顧小寶寶所需要的時間及精神實在不夠, 其實, 大家應該要懂得照顧自己, 取個平衡, 才是作為一個擁有健康身心的現代媽咪, 如想有效地令精神及身體達至一致的話, 可做一些瑜珈練習, funkimama 每天都會抽至少20分鐘時間做一些瑜珈運動, 除了親身上堂之外, 其實妳還可以在這個瑜珈網站下載一些練習, 他們提供了很多不同種類及程度的練習方法, 20分鐘的瑜珈課是可以免費下載的, 當然, 妳亦可以選購一些時間長一點的瑜珈課, 因應個人的需要而選擇, 在這網站內, 他們亦把動作及正確姿勢提供下載服務, 有時間不妨留意一下.

大前題是在家中自行做練習時要先詢問家庭醫生, 尤其是已有一段時間沒有做運動或初學者, 自己身體是否適合, 因有一些瑜珈動作是需要本身有有關這方面的知識才可進行的, 安全地享受一下瑜珈帶給大家的好處吧!

04 March 2009

The Parents Journal is loving our products!

Our stylish products have recently caught the eyes of Hong Kong's leading bi-lingual parenting magazine - The Parents Journal. Check out how they are loving our products in their March 2009 issue today!

連"育兒天地"這本有關媽咪及寶寶的暢銷雜誌亦被我們獨特的媽咪袋所吸引, 在今期3月刊內亦特別有一專欄介紹下我們funkimama.com的產品, 大家買來看看吧!

03 March 2009

Organic Products in Hong Kong - List

For those of us concerned about the side effects of large scale commercial farming. Here is a web-site with a list of organic product stores/farms available in Hong Kong (yes, finally someone has taken the time to compile this list - thanks!). Whilst you can buy air flown-in products from the big chains, you can also choose to buy locally produced fresh items from local organic farms, it's entirely your choice. Personally, funkimama prefers to buy local - they are fresher and the more we support them, the better they will be! Happy shopping! Photo courtesy of Organic Living Hong Kong

首先要多謝用了寶貴時間做以下資料集的朋友, 將全港現時那裡有種植有機蔬菜農場和售賣有機產品的商店都集中在這資料內, 要知道"有機產品"已經是我們時下最熱門的話題了! 其實除了可在大型連鎖式商店購買得到有機產品外, 您們還可以直接跟本地有機農場採購, 視乎您怎選擇, 在funkimama個人而言, 比較喜歡買本地自家的有機產品多些, 總覺得自家出產的是比較新鮮, 而且, 外國的月亮總不會比香港的圓吧!

Feeding & Changing Diapers in Hong Kong

Check out this great blog by fellow mom Mrs Ma, who offers useful tips on feeding & changing diapers in Hong Kong. Apart from great tips on feeding & changing, this blog also has links to a list of very useful baby/parenting sites worldwide.

What's more, Mrs Ma is also a designer of these lovable nursing covers. With poka dots, florals and leopard prints, there is bound to be something for everyone! These beautiful nursing covers will be launching at Elim Christian Bookstore in April. Check them out!

大家不妨去Funkimama的另一伙伴 - 馬太的網誌參觀一下, 她提供了很多有關育兒小貼士, 此外, 她還連繫了很多不同地方國家的嬰兒/父母資訊給各位媽咪們參考, 可說得上是一個育兒小百科網站, 而其實馬太同時亦是一位嬰兒餵哺圍巾的設計員, 她設計了很多可愛款式的嬰兒餵哺圍巾, 例如:圓點, 花的圖案, 豹紋等等隨妳個人選擇, 而這些漂亮的嬰兒餵哺圍巾亦將於4月份在Elim Christian Bookstore出售呢!

01 March 2009

Natural Household Cleaning Alternatives

As part of funkimama's continual efforts to doing her share for the environment, she has now replaced most commercial/chemical household cleaners with 2 things: vinegar & baking soda. These 2 products are simple, inexpensive, natural and safe to us and the environment.

Funkimama recommends using vinegar to clean kitchen table tops, toilet bowls, baths and sinks, as well as for a last quick rinse for vegetables! Always dilute vinegar with water before use. Vinegar has disinfecting properties and a 20-50% vinegar diluted in water is all that is needed.

Baking soda can be used to scour pots and pans, without doing damage to the surface. Funkimama soaks her baking trays in a dilution of baking soda overnight and it is so much easier to wash off those tough stains the day after. It is also a great deodoriser, sprinkle some in the bottom of the bin after every change and you will notice the difference.

Try these great alternatives, and let's do our part for the environment today! If any of you are already using vinegar and baking soda for household cleaning, share with our fellow readers by emailing us at info@funkimama.com.

Funkimama 繼續分享自家家居環保清潔小貼士 - 就是利用醋及蘇打粉來代替一些含有化學物質的商業清潔產品, 這兩種清潔原料都是既經濟又簡單, 對我們人體及環境都十分安全的天然用品, Funkimama首先將醋用水稀釋 (大約百分之20-50吧), 然後主要用來清潔廚房枱面, 浴室洗手盆, 浴缸, 甚至可以用在最後清洗過水的蔬菜上, 而同樣, 將蘇打粉稀釋後, 可用來洗擦廚具, 例如湯煲, 平底鑊等, 不會刮花物件表面呢! 而Funkimama亦會在水漕放一盆水, 待一晚過後, 所有頑固污漬都可以容易地擦去, 除此之外, 它還有一項很好的功能, 就是除臭, 試灑少許在垃圾箱內吧, 當你每次清除垃圾時便可知有多大分別了! 由今日開始, 為保護我們的環境做點事吧!

如各位其實已有運用醋及蘇打粉作家居清潔的話, 歡迎大家電郵給我們和大家一起分享閣下的心得! Funkimama的電郵地址是 info@funkimama.com