25 March 2009

Infant / Child Safety

Funkimama has read a very sad piece of news yesterday about an 18-month old baby boy found dead from strangulation by a curtain cord at home in Hong Kong. It was reported that the baby was discovered unconcious by his carer, who was at the time cooking a meal while leaving the infant unattended. Both parents were away from home at the time.

This has given Funkimama a strong wish to share the importance of infant / child safety with fellow parents and carers.

Here is a booklet titled The Safe Nursery published by the US Consumer Product Safety Commission with very detailed tips on what parents and carers should watch out for with regard to infant safety. Safety tips provided in this booklet are not only for infant products but there is also a section with tips on general household safety.

If you are a working parent and your children spend the majority of the day with a carer, do ensure your carer is aware of the potential hazards and how to prevent injuries from occuring. Afterall, it is better safe than sorry.

funkimama在咋天的報章上看見一則令人傷感的新聞報導, 就是有一個18個月大的小朋友被家中的窗簾布繩索勒死了, 他的父母當時外出上班, 平常都是交由工人照顧, 而今次剛巧工人正忙著在煮飯, 只有小朋友獨個兒在客廳中玩耍, 在沒有任何成年人看顧下, 意外就發生了

這事令funkimama有很深刻的沖擊, 而且很希望可以在此和各位父母或照顧者分享一些有關嬰兒/兒童安全資訊

這裡有一本由美國安全產品委員會出版的小冊子 - The Safe Nursery, 詳細記錄及教導父母或看顧者應怎樣注意兒童安全問題, 避免意外發生, 而這本安全小貼士並不是只針對兒童方面, 它還教導一些日常生活家居安全小貼士呢

如閣下是上班一族, 而寶寶通常都是托他人照顧的話, 請務必確定所托之人是會注意並懂得避免那些潛在危險的事件發生
