Organise your Christmas presents on-line this year from funkimama's website. We offer ultra special Print-a-photo bags for you to capture those special memories onto lunch bags, backpacks and shoulder bags.
Send us a photo by email: info@funkimama.com of your favourite place, persons, image, pet, occasion, and we will print it onto a bag for you.
Adding a text message onto the photo is complimentary.
Ready within 14 days. We deliver to your door step.
For further details, click here.
在今個聖誕, 大家不妨來funkimama的網頁, 我們為你們設計了一系列的相片袋, 包括有午餐袋, 背包及手挽袋等, 用作做聖誕禮物, 就最好不過
相片可電郵到我們的網址: info@funkimama.com 相片可以是你最喜歡的人, 景, 寵物等等的
只需14天, 我們便可為你送上, 想知更多資料, 可按這裡