18 June 2008

sex and the city - the movie

Ever since the start, funkimama has been a big fan of Sex and the City, and the recently released movie is an absolute sensation. The witty dialogues, the fashion, the scenes, and the twist and turn of each character's lives, are all totally well put together. Although the movie is some 2.5 hours long, it has left funkimama wanting more!

Sex and the City documents a social change - a society filled with independant, smart, funny, beautiful women single or not, all enjoying life to the fullest. They work hard and play even harder, go through ups and downs in life and still standing tall.

Let's give a big toast to today's independent women.

photos courtesy of Sex and the City Movie

不知從何時開始, funkimama成為Sex and the City的一位小影迷, 而最近上映的電影版本, 絕對令人驚喜, 生動鬼馬的對白, 令人目不暇給的新穎時裝, 每位主角的不同性格及生活態度, 均能集中在一起, 雖然電影長達2.5小時, 但對funkimama來說卻覺得太短呢!

這套Sex and the City反映了社會上一些改變 - 女士們已續漸變得更為獨立自主, 精明, 風趣幽默, 無論是單身與否, 她們會令自己活得自在, 享受生活, 她們努力工作之餘同時亦努力玩樂, 面對在人生所遇到的高潮低潮, 也能坦然面對, 有拿得起放得低的情操


16 June 2008

Time out for yourself

policeman doing yoga, originally uploaded by Sylvain Deleu.

When work gets a bit too much, take some time out to relax, like this policeman. Go on, you deserve it. If it is only a minute or two of relaxation will help you re-focus and re-fresh. If you work in an office, take your arms up in the air and give yourself a nice long stretch, this does a lot of good to your spine. Or rotate your feet discretely under your desk to give those joints a well deserved work out. Or just take a break and walk around the block. If you are a stay at home parent, then take a nap when your kids nap. Let the housework wait until after you have had your break. You will be more productive after this small break. Do come back and check out my other posts a while later with simple office exercises.