16 August 2008

Tips on preparations for a baby's bath

Baby bathing, originally uploaded by almoko.

Before undressing your little darling, ensure you have everything handy for an enjoyable and uninterrupted bathing session. Make sure you have a clean towel or cuddle robe, baby bath, shampoo, basin, clothing, creams, cotton pads and diapers all ready. Closed the door and windows beforehand and check that the water temperature is comfortable. Water too hot or too cold can chill or burn your baby. Make sure you do not bath your baby right after a meal. And the most important thing of all is to never leave your baby alone in the water. Finally, get those rubber ducks ready and have fun! 各位媽咪, 如要幫小寶寶洗澡, 記謹要先預備好以下物品才開始啊! 包括要有: 嬰兒沐浴露, 嬰兒洗頭水, 大浴巾, 小沐浴膠盆, 小寶寶的衣服和尿片, 記得要先關好門窗, 否則, 小寶寶很容易着涼呢, 另外, 媽媽一定要先試好水的溫度才放小寶寶入水中, 因為太熱和太冷會燙傷和凍傷妳的小寶寶, 而最重要一點是, 千萬不可留下小寶寶獨自在浴盆內, 因他們太小了, 很容易滑入水中和弄傷自己的, 所以, 一定要注意呵!