Did you know that babies do not physically need night feedings when they reach a weight of 5.5kg? This is good news for those first time parents who are unsure if their babies are getting enough to eat. So if your babies prefer to sleep through the night, then by all means don't wake them, let them (and you too) sleep through.
各位媽咪, 其實你們知不知道, 原來當小寶寶體重有5.5公斤時, 是不一定需要食夜奶的, 對第一次當媽媽及有懷疑小寶寶在晚上睡了後會否肚餓的妳, 是不是一個好消息呢? 所以, 如果當妳的小寶寶是選擇一覺睡天光的話, 請妳不要弄醒他/她了, 讓他/她睡過飽飽吧, 妳也可以趁這機會好好的睡過夠, 休息一下呢