Their Sheung Wan retail store stocks some great quality baking ware ranging from moulds for muffin, tartlet, cake, bread , baking trays, pots & pans, teapots and tea filters, cookie cutters, cake baking accessories, you name it they have it, all at very attractive wholesale prices. For example, funkimama managed to find round tartlet moulds in metal for HK$1 each!
As the store is so very packed with lots of products, you do need take time to look for things you want. The owners are very knowledgeable and can provide advice as to usage and care of their utensils upon request.
Here is a map for those who need it.

Address: Kam Lee Steel Products & Engineering Products Ltd, Shop C4-C5, Ground Floor, 60-62 Bonham Strand, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong.
Call: 2543 8921, or 2543 8627 for details.
Opening hours: Monday to Saturday 10am - 7pm, Closed on Sundays.
對熱愛烹飪的你, 這間位於上環中心地帶的鋼鐵用品公司你一定要知曉, 他們專賣煮食用具及模具, 一些大酒樓和高級餐廳都會跟他們訂購, 而且他們所賣的用具種類頗多, 只要你想得出的, 他們很大機會都可提供, 價錢亦十分合理, 就以funkimama為例, 在那兒找到一直想要找的製撻器皿, 都只是$1一個
由於店舖所賣的種類繁多, 你或要用些少時間找你想要的東西, 不過, 店舖負責人都很樂意為你提供服務, 而且他們對各種用具或器皿的使用和保養知識都十分熟識, 如閣下有什麼問題, 他們也很樂於為大家解答