1 Replace your light bulbs with energy star bulbs. This simple step can reduce your carbon footprint by 450 pounds per year.
2 Plant a tree. Trees are Mother Nature's all-in-one air conditioner and heater.
3 Celebrate Earth Day with your friends and family, generating awareness and educate the next generation.
4 Buy local, organic food. Buying organic saves the Earth because you aren't adding harmful chemicals into our eco-system (not to mention they aren't going into your body). Read funkimama's article on a list of organic food suppliers in Hong Kong here.
5 Ride an Optibike. According to the Earth Day web site, by the year 2030 the world will consume 47% more oil than it did in 2003.
6 Use natural, non-chemical based cleaning agents for general cleaning. Funkimama previously wrote about natural cleaning alternatives, click here to find out more.
Above information courtesy of Environmental News Network. Full article available here.
世界地球日已經踏入第39年了, 大家有沒有參與慶祝呢? 有否跟閣下的小朋友及好朋友分享一下怎樣保護及愛惜大家所住的地球呢? 其實想保護我們這個地球, 方法很簡單, 以下有幾個提議, 大家不妨一齊參與:
1. 以慳電燈泡代替傳統的燈泡 - 這樣簡單的步驟就可以每年減少400磅碳的產生
2. 種植樹木 - 要知道綠化植物是有效地調節溫度和濕度呢
3. 跟家人和朋友慶祝世界地球日, 讓大家有所警惕及知識教育我們的下一代
4. 購買本地有機食品 - 有機食物可避免我們的土地及整個生態系統受化學物品破壞, 不用多說對我們身體會有什麼影響了, 如果想知有關本地有機產品資料, 可瀏覽funkimama之前有介紹過的有機產品供應商的資料呢
5. 改用自行車 - 根據世界地球日網站資料顯示, 到2030年時, 耗油量會比2003年消耗多47%以上
6. 用純天然, 不含化學劑的方法去清潔家居, funkimama亦曾分享過一些心得, 大家不妨來這裡參考一下