Funkimama recommends using vinegar to clean kitchen table tops, toilet bowls, baths and sinks, as well as for a last quick rinse for vegetables! Always dilute vinegar with water before use. Vinegar has disinfecting properties and a 20-50% vinegar diluted in water is all that is needed.
Baking soda can be used to scour pots and pans, without doing damage to the surface. Funkimama soaks her baking trays in a dilution of baking soda overnight and it is so much easier to wash off those tough stains the day after. It is also a great deodoriser, sprinkle some in the bottom of the bin after every change and you will notice the difference.
Try these great alternatives, and let's do our part for the environment today!
If any of you are already using vinegar and baking soda for household cleaning, share with our fellow readers by emailing us at info@funkimama.com.
Funkimama 繼續分享自家家居環保清潔小貼士 - 就是利用醋及蘇打粉來代替一些含有化學物質的商業清潔產品, 這兩種清潔原料都是既經濟又簡單, 對我們人體及環境都十分安全的天然用品, Funkimama首先將醋用水稀釋 (大約百分之20-50吧), 然後主要用來清潔廚房枱面, 浴室洗手盆, 浴缸, 甚至可以用在最後清洗過水的蔬菜上, 而同樣, 將蘇打粉稀釋後, 可用來洗擦廚具, 例如湯煲, 平底鑊等, 不會刮花物件表面呢! 而Funkimama亦會在水漕放一盆水, 待一晚過後, 所有頑固污漬都可以容易地擦去, 除此之外, 它還有一項很好的功能, 就是除臭, 試灑少許在垃圾箱內吧, 當你每次清除垃圾時便可知有多大分別了!
由今日開始, 為保護我們的環境做點事吧!