03 March 2009

Organic Products in Hong Kong - List

For those of us concerned about the side effects of large scale commercial farming. Here is a web-site with a list of organic product stores/farms available in Hong Kong (yes, finally someone has taken the time to compile this list - thanks!). Whilst you can buy air flown-in products from the big chains, you can also choose to buy locally produced fresh items from local organic farms, it's entirely your choice. Personally, funkimama prefers to buy local - they are fresher and the more we support them, the better they will be! Happy shopping! Photo courtesy of Organic Living Hong Kong

首先要多謝用了寶貴時間做以下資料集的朋友, 將全港現時那裡有種植有機蔬菜農場和售賣有機產品的商店都集中在這資料內, 要知道"有機產品"已經是我們時下最熱門的話題了! 其實除了可在大型連鎖式商店購買得到有機產品外, 您們還可以直接跟本地有機農場採購, 視乎您怎選擇, 在funkimama個人而言, 比較喜歡買本地自家的有機產品多些, 總覺得自家出產的是比較新鮮, 而且, 外國的月亮總不會比香港的圓吧!