It is indeed fun to read. And it will probably be more fun to read if parents can make savings by purchasing brand new English books at an attractive discount!
You may purchase from their warehouse in Kwun Tong (prior appointments necessary, see details & map here), or if Kwun Tong is a bit too much of a hike for you, follow their book fair road shows. Funkimama summarises below a couple of upcoming road shows in Hong Kong shopping malls:
1) Olympian City Phase I - Central Atrium, U/G (MTR - Olympic Station), 24-29 March (Tue-Sun) 11am-9pm
2) Vicwood Plaza (MTR - Sheung Wan Exit E), 31 March - 3 April (Tue-Fri) 11am-8pm
Contact: Raymond Wong at +852 3105 3588 or email: raymond@funtoread.com.hk
Have fun reading!
Fun to Read 這間網上書店, 現正舉行折扣優惠, 務求令各家長更有樂趣地選購心儀的英文書籍給自己或小寶寶閱讀
這書店專門出售英文兒童圖書及烹飪書籍, 而且全是從外國入口的, 包括英國, 美國及澳洲, 所有產品, Fun to Read都會以絕對優惠的價錢來優惠他們的顧客
其實, 你可到他們位於觀塘的公司購買, 不過要先跟他們預約, 地址及資料如上, 如果覺得觀塘對你來說不大方便的話, funkimama提議你可選擇他們以下的流動售賣點:
1) 奧海城1期商場 - 地下中庭商場 (港鐡奧海城站) , 日期: 3月24-29日 (星期二至日), 時間: 早上11時至晚上九時
2) 維德廣場 - 港鐡上環站E出口, 日期: 3月31日- 4月3日(星期二至五), 時間: 早上11時至晚上8時
聯絡人: Raymond Wong - 3105 3588, 電郵: raymond@funtoread.com.hk