A great way to unite your mind and body is by way of yoga practice. Funkimama takes at least 20 minutes from her daily schedule for her yoga exercise. Apart from enrolling in a class, you may also opt for great audio classes downloadable onto your computers and mp3s. A wide variety of yoga classes are downloadable from yogadownload.com. The 20-minute classes are free for dowloading, while you may purchase longer class of your choice. There are yoga classes of varying levels and styles to suit your needs and level of fitness. Pose guides are also readily downdloadable in PDF format as a handy reference.
Always consult your doctor prior to commencing any exercise at home, especially if you have not exercised for a while and/or if you are a complete beginner. Some yoga postures may require basic yoga knowledge. Be safe and enjoy the benefits of yoga! Happy yoga-ing!
作為父母, 注意力全集中在小寶寶身上是在所難免, 無論妳是全職媽咪還是需要工作的媽咪, 總覺得照顧小寶寶所需要的時間及精神實在不夠, 其實, 大家應該要懂得照顧自己, 取個平衡, 才是作為一個擁有健康身心的現代媽咪, 如想有效地令精神及身體達至一致的話, 可做一些瑜珈練習, funkimama 每天都會抽至少20分鐘時間做一些瑜珈運動, 除了親身上堂之外, 其實妳還可以在這個瑜珈網站下載一些練習, 他們提供了很多不同種類及程度的練習方法, 20分鐘的瑜珈課是可以免費下載的, 當然, 妳亦可以選購一些時間長一點的瑜珈課, 因應個人的需要而選擇, 在這網站內, 他們亦把動作及正確姿勢提供下載服務, 有時間不妨留意一下.
大前題是在家中自行做練習時要先詢問家庭醫生, 尤其是已有一段時間沒有做運動或初學者, 自己身體是否適合, 因有一些瑜珈動作是需要本身有有關這方面的知識才可進行的, 安全地享受一下瑜珈帶給大家的好處吧!