19 October 2010
15 June 2010

Organised by Mommy Modernista, Hong Kong's Premiere Mommy Social Boutique, this Swap & High Tea party will allow modern and hip mommies to swap their "barely-used" or "not-used-at-all" baby items whilst socialise with fellow mommies over tea and tasty canapes.
What's more, each mom will receive a free gift from funkimama.com as well as having the chance to win fabulous prizes.
For further information, please contact: olivia@mommymodernista.com.hk
Mommy modernista: http://www.mommymodernista.com.hk/
朋友常常說小朋友大得很快, 面對一大埋寶寶幼時用的物品例如玩具, 服飾等等, 不知應如何處理, 掉了又太浪費, 送給朋友又不是每個朋友都適用, 十分苦惱, 與其煩惱怎樣處理, 何不參加於本月29日由Mommy Modernista於香港荷理活道108號舉辦的換物下午茶會?
歡迎所有媽咪將一些仍保存得很好, 甚至還未使用過的寶寶衣服, 物品等, 帶到會場, 趁這機會跟其他媽媽交換, 一邊享受茶點, 一邊跟媽咪們交換心得, 實屬難得
另外, funkimama.com亦會送出免費禮品一份給每位媽咪, 除此之外, 媽咪們還有機會嬴取神秘禮物呢!
如想索取資料, 歡迎到以下網址:
11 June 2010
We are in the news!
18 May 2010
Clutch me, Mama!
07 May 2010
Free gift with purchase
Visit our on-line store today.
這個可摺疊起來的環保購物袋, 現凡於funkimama.com網上選購任何產品, 均可免費獲赠乙個, 無論帶去沙灘, 公園, 游泳或購物等, 都十分實用及方便
13 April 2010
Bubble Couture

What's more, Bubble Couture is joining the funkimama revolution - our products will be available for sale at Bubble Couture.
Bubble Couture:
7A Kader Building, 22 Kai Cheung Road, Kowloon Bay如想找一間能提供多種類或多款式的嬰兒, 小孩及媽咪用品的公司, Bubble Couture是一個最佳選擇, 他們的產品種類多, 但很多都是限量發售, 售完即止的, 這樣, 能令寶寶所穿的或所用的都是獨特產品
而現在, funkimama的產品在Bubble Couture也能找到了, 於4月24日前往Bubble Couture設於九龍灣的銷售點, 除了可獲九折優惠外, 還有豐富禮品赠送, 送完即止, 還等什麼, 行動吧!
31 March 2010
For Shoppers in Discovery Bay and Central
Togs Unlimited specialises in stocking high quality infant and kidswear from major US & European retailers at excellent prices.
Their stores are comfortably laid out, with lots of selection for all seasons. What's more Togs are very kid/baby friendly with their in-store play, changing and nursing areas. Making lives of us busy mommies a whole lot easier!
For your convenience, selected funkimama products are now available in both Togs' Central and Discovery Bay stores!
Togs Unlimited: Tel: 2333 7525
如閣下想買一些高品質的嬰兒及兒童服飾的話, Togs Unlimited是一個不能錯過的好地方, 她們的店舖存放了很多專門出口歐美的嬰兒及兒童服飾, 品質絕對有一定的保證, 而且價錢十分合理, 貨品種類亦十分多元化, 不同季節也可同時選擇
而現在, funkimama的產品亦可在Togs設於中環和愉景灣的店舖內有售, 十分方便呢!
電話: 2333 7525
25 March 2010
Funkimama has arrived in Macau!

Babyland Macau: Rua do Padre Antonio Roliz, No. 10 Sam Seng R/C-D, Macau
Phone: +853 2855 3268
各位澳門的funkimama會員, 現在可以於位於澳門的"小天地"買到我們的產品呀! Babyland Macau是一間專賣媽咪及嬰兒用品的商店, 而且, 他們還有一個專業影樓, 可為各位父母及小寶寶拍攝一輯令人難忘及充滿樂趣的相片Babyland Macau地址: 澳門羅神父街10號森成閣地下D鋪
電話: 852 2855 3268
16 March 2010
Capturing Precious Moments - Fancy World Studio

A new photo studio focusing on pregnancy, baby & family photography will be opened 10th April 2010. Fancy World Studio will be located at 15th Floor, 151 Hollywood Road, Sheung Wan.
Within the 1,500 sq ft studio area will be options of either plain backgrounds or backgrounds with Disney themes.
Prices range are HK$1,200 - HK$4,800, with packages such as framed photos, photo-books and CD-Rom.
Grand opening is scheduled for 10th April 2010.
Funkimama's members will receive a complimentary photo session.
Stay tuned for further details.
Fancy World Studio是一間專為懷孕媽媽, 小寶寶及家庭提供專業拍攝服務的影樓, 而他們在2010年4月10日已正式在上環為各位投入服務, 1,500呎的影樓坐落於上環荷李活道151號15樓全層, 影樓內設有不同背景, 一些廸士尼卡通人物背景也可選擇, 十分多元化, 而價錢由HK$1,200-$4,800已包括相簿, 相片連畫架, CD磁碟片等 funkimama的會員另外都會收到一些額外會員資訊的02 March 2010
Do your Pelvic Floor Exercise daily
Pelvic floor exercise is not only a useful exercise to do during pregnancy but also equally afterwards. In fact, anyone should make it a habit to do some pelvic floor exercise regularly.
The pelvic floor is a large group of muscles stretching from side to side across the floor of the pelvis. The openings from your bladder, your bowels and your womb all pass through your pelvic floor.
Natural ageing, pregnancy and childbirth are some of the main causes for a weakened pelvic floor. A strong pelvic floor helps support your abdomen organs, and prevents incontinence.
How do I do my pelvic floor exercise?
Contract your back passage, vagina and front passage and lift up inside as if trying to stop passing urine and hold the muscles strong and tight as you count to 8 then let go and relax. Repeat this set for up to 3 times with a little rest in between each set. This exercise may be done on a daily basis. You may do this exercise lying down, sitting or standing. Once you get the hang of it, there is nothing simpler and the beauty is you can do this exercise virtually anywhere anytime. While watching TV, changing your baby, commuting, during meetings!
As a safety measure, consult a your doctor before you engage yourself in any form of exercise.
photo courtesy of
wmliu 盤骨對我們人體來說, 是不可忽視的一個身體支撐部份, 要加強盤骨的健康, 我們就須要做一些運動來加強它, 其實, 盤骨運動除了可令懷孕媽媽容易生產外, 其實對生產過後的媽咪亦有很大的幫助, 一些針對骨盤的伸展動作, 可幫助腹腔內的器官打開, 例如:膀胱, 腸道, 子宮等; 對防止失禁, 強化身體器官都十分有幫助, 而且動作簡單, 無論任何時候在家中都可進行, 十分方便 但為安全, 大家不妨先咨詢家庭醫生, 了解清楚自己的身體狀況才進行, 那就事半功倍10 February 2010
Baby Yoga

Mom and baby yoga classes provide a relaxed enviornment for you to regain strength, flexibility and a renewed sense of calm, through post natal stretches and relaxation techniques.
The Yoga Room offers "Baby and Mom Yoga" classes every tuesday at 10am. The class is an hour long and is suitable for babies from 8 weeks up to crawling and is an enjoyable way to interact with other moms and foster a deeper connection with your baby, whilst enhancing their development.
Classes are HK$150 drop in or HK$1,200 for a packet of 10 classes.
For further information, contact The Yoga Room, Tel: 2544 8398 or Email: info@yogaroomhk.com
Photo Courtesy of Blue Bamboo Yoga