02 March 2010

Do your Pelvic Floor Exercise daily

Pelvic floor exercise is not only a useful exercise to do during pregnancy but also equally afterwards. In fact, anyone should make it a habit to do some pelvic floor exercise regularly.

The pelvic floor is a large group of muscles stretching from side to side across the floor of the pelvis. The openings from your bladder, your bowels and your womb all pass through your pelvic floor.

Natural ageing, pregnancy and childbirth are some of the main causes for a weakened pelvic floor. A strong pelvic floor helps support your abdomen organs, and prevents incontinence.

How do I do my pelvic floor exercise?

Contract your back passage, vagina and front passage and lift up inside as if trying to stop passing urine and hold the muscles strong and tight as you count to 8 then let go and relax. Repeat this set for up to 3 times with a little rest in between each set. This exercise may be done on a daily basis. You may do this exercise lying down, sitting or standing. Once you get the hang of it, there is nothing simpler and the beauty is you can do this exercise virtually anywhere anytime. While watching TV, changing your baby, commuting, during meetings!

As a safety measure, consult a your doctor before you engage yourself in any form of exercise.

photo courtesy of wmliu

盤骨對我們人體來說, 是不可忽視的一個身體支撐部份, 要加強盤骨的健康, 我們就須要做一些運動來加強它, 其實, 盤骨運動除了可令懷孕媽媽容易生產外, 其實對生產過後的媽咪亦有很大的幫助, 一些針對骨盤的伸展動作, 可幫助腹腔內的器官打開, 例如:膀胱, 腸道, 子宮等; 對防止失禁, 強化身體器官都十分有幫助, 而且動作簡單, 無論任何時候在家中都可進行, 十分方便 但為安全, 大家不妨先咨詢家庭醫生, 了解清楚自己的身體狀況才進行, 那就事半功倍