A new photo studio focusing on pregnancy, baby & family photography will be opened 10th April 2010. Fancy World Studio will be located at 15th Floor, 151 Hollywood Road, Sheung Wan.
Within the 1,500 sq ft studio area will be options of either plain backgrounds or backgrounds with Disney themes.
Prices range are HK$1,200 - HK$4,800, with packages such as framed photos, photo-books and CD-Rom.
Grand opening is scheduled for 10th April 2010.
Funkimama's members will receive a complimentary photo session.
Stay tuned for further details.
Fancy World Studio是一間專為懷孕媽媽, 小寶寶及家庭提供專業拍攝服務的影樓, 而他們在2010年4月10日已正式在上環為各位投入服務, 1,500呎的影樓坐落於上環荷李活道151號15樓全層, 影樓內設有不同背景, 一些廸士尼卡通人物背景也可選擇, 十分多元化, 而價錢由HK$1,200-$4,800已包括相簿, 相片連畫架, CD磁碟片等 funkimama的會員另外都會收到一些額外會員資訊的