23 February 2009

Omega 3 Booster - Easy Salmon Fillet Recipe

As we all know, salmon as a fish contains large amounts of Omega-3 which is essential to a healthy brain function and strong joints. Salmon are even more beneficial to small children for their brain developments need. As this is a fatty fish, eating once per week is sufficient. For a small child, 2-3 table spoonfuls per meal is more than enough, accompanied by other foods. Here is a simple and delicious recipe for you to try:

Baked Salmon With Seedless Grapes (for 2 persons)

-Salmon Fillet x 2 pieces (approx. 200-225g each)
-Green/red seedless grapes x 20 pieces
-Black pepper and salt to taste
-Aluminium foil

Preheat the oven to 200 degrees celcius. Place the fillets on top of a piece of aluminium foil, cut the grapes into halves and lay them on top and around the fillets, sprinkle sea salt and black pepper to finish. Cover this with another piece of foil and fold all 4 sides together securely. Then place the package inside the oven and bake at 200 degrees celcius for 15-20 minutes. This is then ready to serve.

The benefits of baking food covered is that all the goodness in food are retain and the juice from the grapes gets absorbed back into the salmon, making this a very nutritional and mouth-water dish for kids and adults alike.

三文魚含有高蛋白質及OMEGA-3脂肪酸,常吃對腦部機能和關節靈活性有很大幫助。 小朋友多吃三文魚也可以幫助腦部發展。宜每星期吃一次,由於三文魚脂肪高,每次份量不用太多,小朋友每餐2-3湯匙可以。


提子局三文魚( 2人份量)

-三文魚扒 2片 (每片大概200-225克)



在一片錫紙上放上2片三文魚,把提子開雙飛放在魚上,加適量鹽和胡椒粉後再用另一片錫紙把全部食物蓋好接起4邊後放進已預先預熱的鋦爐用攝氏200度鋦15-20分鐘即可。 用鋦爐可以把食物所有的營養保留,原汁原味。

The Natural Powers of Bay Leaf

Bay Leaf, originally uploaded by becness1.

Apart from using this wonderful herb in your Spaghetti Bolognaise, do you know that by placing a few pieces of bay leaves where cockroaches frequent will keep them away. That's right, cockroaches do not like bay leafs, instead they run away from them.

月桂葉這種天然香草, 除了可加在肉醬意粉內使其更美味之外, 原來你只要放幾片月桂葉在平常蟑螂出沒的地方, 是可以把它趕走的呢, 真的呀, 原來蟑螂本身十分討厭月桂葉氣味, 對此它們會避之則吉呢!

Separation Anxiety

Scared, originally uploaded by Finn Coleman.

Separation anxiety is a fear experienced by babies as young as nine months old and this can affect a child of up to 10 years of age. Until young children understands the concepts of "object permanence" and the passage of time, their fears of a loved one or a carer disappearing are indeed very real. As a working mother, funkimama used to experience separation anxiety with her little one every morning of the week as she left home for work. She used to just slip away while her little one was engaged in an activity or with a toy, which actually made matters worst. The best thing to do, according to experts is to let your child know that you are leaving and explain to him/her that you will be back later.

Remaining calm yet firm when faced with separation anxiety is important as young children can sense negative emotions and can be affected by it. One tried and tested method funkimama wishes to share with her fellow moms is this: Tell your child that you are going to work, leave home together with your child and the carer as you leave for work in the morning, let him/her say goodbye e.g. at the bus stop or in a nearby park. This change of environment helps funkimama's little one feel less left behind, as he gets to go out with mommy. It also gives mommy an extended, albeit short, time with her little one. Funkimama also finds it helpful to let her child know of his planned activities of the day first thing in the morning, e.g. "You are going to your playgroup today!" so that he knows what to look forward to. It has worked very well for funkimama, and it is certainly worth a try.

當父母要離家外出工作, 對無論是9個月大的小寶寶至到10歲的小朋友來說, 都是一個既害怕又焦慮的經驗, 在小朋友理解即使物件沒有出現在眼前但仍然存在的道理之前, 在這段時間, 他/她們對最愛的父母, 對照顧他/她們的保母, 突然不出現在他/她們眼前, 這種消失感是非常確實及害怕的, 作為一個需要工作的funkimama, 亦曾試過跟小寶寶在每天早上離別時有焦慮的情緒, 每次都是趁小寶寶在玩玩具或進行其他活動時偷偷地溜走, 但其實這樣做只會令情況更壞, 其實最好是令到小寶寶知道你有事需要離開一段時間, 告訴他/她你會稍後回到他/她身邊

最重要是媽媽要保持冷靜, 要知道小寶寶對於你的情緒反應, 是極之敏感的, 如你也出現焦慮的情緒, 他/她們是一定感覺得到的, 以下是funkimama嘗試過的成功經驗, 可作為媽媽們參考: 告訴小寶寶妳即將外出上班, 讓他/她及保母跟妳一齊出門口說再見, 例如在車站或附近的公園, 環境改變令funkimama的小寶寶對離別時所產生的焦慮大大降低, 因他知道他是跟媽媽一起出門嘛, 而同時, 媽媽亦可趁這短暫的路程而加長了和寶寶相處的時間, funkimama每天也會跟小寶寶說他今天會有甚麼活動, 例如, 他會知道當天會上幼兒遊戲班, 或是跟好朋友玩一玩, 這令他開心地期待每一天的到來, 對funkimama來說, 這肯定是非常成功及有效, 各位媽媽真的不妨一試!

Breast / Bottle Feeding - which is best?

first bottle, originally uploaded by Stephie*.

If you find it too tiring to be exclusively breastfeeding your little one, try alternating feeds with bottle substitute. Either breast milk or formula is fine. This will also give daddy or any other family member a chance to bond with your little one. My baby has always been given alternative feeds and he has very little nipple confusion and is as contented as he has always been!

各位媽咪會否跟我一樣發覺只是餵哺小寶寶吃母乳, 有時真的很累, 很累? 又怕他/她將來習慣了媽媽的乳頭而不喜歡吃奶咀, 其實妳們可以嘗試用奶樽來互相交替的, 無論是母乳或是奶粉也可, 我就是用這個方法, 成功地令小寶寶接受這2種吃奶方式, 而他也分別不到呢!

Toddlers' Menu

Tri-Color pasta, originally uploaded by DTufte.

As we all know, our little toddlers are more interested in playing than eating, and many of us find it a real challenge to get our toddlers to sit still in their high chairs come feeding times. Why not make meal times as much fun as play times - try offering pasta of varying shapes and colours. For example, Funkimama's toddler favours tri-colour spaghetti and shell pasta, accompanied by a tomato and minced meat sauce, steamed with a table spoon of olive oil. You can also throw in some skinned yellow and red bell peppers. Take the opportunity to teach your toddlers the different colours too, e.g. "Where is the piece of yellow bell pepper? Yes, that's right, here it is, let's see how it tastes like ..." This type of dish looks and tastes so fabulous your toddler will have very little difficulty eating it. Happy Feeding! 要令喜歡玩多於吃的小寶寶乖乖坐定定在椅子上進餐, 想必是對媽媽的一個大挑戰吧! 其實, 我們是可以將進餐環節變成遊戲的一部份, 媽媽可將食物切成不同形狀, 另加入不同顏色的蔬菜, 這便可把普通的食物變得更吸引了, 就像funkimama一樣, 她的小寶寶比較喜歡吃意粉類食物, 於是她便將幾種顏色和不同形狀的意粉, 配以蕃茄肉醬, 加一小匙橄欖油一拚蒸煮, 這樣, 便成功地令她的小寶寶安坐位中進餐了, 除此之外, 我們亦可以加入一些顏色豊富的青色, 黃色及紅色的甜辣椒, 這類食物營養高, 賣相又吸引, 小寶寶一定喜歡, 試試看!

13 February 2009

This season's best selling items

Funkimama's bags are topping the "Best Selling" items on ShopinHK's retail chart. Go on, give yourself a good excuse - go shop, shop and shop more! You deserve it! Funkimama媽咪袋系列在ShopinHK這個網上商店的銷售榜上成為最暢銷的產品, 媽媽們, 對自己好點, 獎勵一下自己吧, 你值得的!

Organic Wholemeal Bread

Funkimama has recently perfected her recipe for making tasty and healthy organic wholemeal bread for her family. The beauty of this recipe is that it is free of preservatives and additions found in most commercially produced bread, and wholemeal flour adds vital nutrients to one’s daily dietary needs. Her young toddler absolutely loves it with a thin layer of honey spread on top for breakfast. This recipe also works for bread machines.

Here is the recipe to share with those who wish to try it out:

Organic Wholemeal Bread (Makes 1 Loaf of 750g)


250g organic wholemeal strong bread flour

250g organic white strong bread flour

10g dry yeast

10g sea salt

10g unsalted margarine/butter

325ml lukewarm water (approx. 40°C)


1. Preheat your oven to 30°C.

2. In a measuring cup, measure the required quantity of water. Dissolve in it the yeast, stir well and let stand for 10 minutes, until it starts to flake.

3. In a mixing bowl, mix together the flour and salt, then rub in the margarine/butter.

4. Make a well in the middle of this flour mix and slowly pour in the yeast mixture.

5. Mix into a ball of dough and tip this dough onto a clean and lightly floured table top, and start kneading the dough for about 5-10 minutes until it becomes smooth and elastic.

6. First prove: Place this dough back inside the mixing bowl and cover with lightly floured/greased cling film. Place the bowl inside the oven and let the yeast work for about 1-1.5 hour, or until the dough has at least doubled in size.

7. At the end of the first prove, remove the bowl from the oven and tip the dough back onto your table top. Knead, punch and fold the air out from the dough for about 1-2 minutes. At this stage you can consider adding extra ingredients into the dough if desired (e.g. wheatgerm, flaxseeds, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds).

8. If you are adding seeds, be sure to chop up the larger size ones into smaller pieces and then lightly grill them to bring out the aroma. Sesame seeds and pumpkin seeds require no chopping as they are already small.

9. Second prove: Shape the dough into your desired shape and place it into the baking tin/tray in which you will be baking your bread, lightly coating the bottom and sides with a layer of flour. Cover once again with a lightly floured/greased cling film and let it prove for another 1-1.5 hour, or until the dough has again at least doubled in size.

10. At the end of the second prove, preheat the oven to 220°C, remove the cling film and bake in the center of the oven for 25 minutes. It is important that you DO NOT SLAM THE OVEN DOOR so as to maintain maximum amount of air within the oven much needed for successful bread baking.

11. Once baked, remove the bread from the oven and let cool on a cooling rack. You may enjoy the bread immediately or freeze it in a zip-lock bag to be enjoyed later.

(If organic/wholemeal is not a pre-requisite for you, this recipe works just as well by substituting the ingredients with non-organic plain bread flour. Always consult your family doctor/pediatrician prior to trying something new with your children if you are in doubt as to food allergy)

Funkimama 成功地為家人做出一個既好味又健康的有機全麥麵包, 其實網上亦有很多林林總總製作麵包的食譜, 大多是免費教授的, 而且簡單易明, 對於新手來說也不會太複雜, 而之所以選擇全麥麵包, 是因為全麥粉是一種營養價值十分高的食品, 能夠提供人體每天所需要的營養, 她的小寶寶尤其喜歡, 因funkimama會特別為他在麵包上塗上薄薄的一層蜜糖呢, 其實做法很簡單, 以下是一份簡單食譜, 各位可以不妨一試, 這做法用在麵包機也可:

有機全麥麵包 (一條750克)

有機全麥高筋麵粉 250 克

有機高筋麵粉 250 克

酵母粉 10 克

鹽 10 克

牛油 10 克

溫水 325 毫升

(如果你不喜歡用有機麵粉或不喜歡全麥口味, 你可改用普通麵粉代替在這食譜上, 其實媽媽們如不清楚小寶寶會否對某種食物敏感或抗拒的話, 可先詢問一下自己的家庭醫生或專門的兒科醫生, 他們定可提供一些專業意見給妳的)


1. 首先將焗爐以攝氏30度預熱

2. 將酵母粉放入溫水攪和均勻, 靜待10分鐘

3. 將兩種高筋麵粉放入一個大鋼盆或一個大玻璃碗內連同鹽一併混合攪拌, 然後再加入牛油揉合

4. 將已混合牛油的高筋麵粉中間位置撥開一個圓形小窩, 然後把已加入酵母粉的水由中間倒入, 再慢慢由內至外地混和

5. 將全麥麵團放在已略鋪上麵粉的工作枱上, 持續搓揉(打開, 對摺, 擠壓)至圓球形狀後,然後再揉搓5-10分鐘直至其不沾手及有彈性

6. 第一次發酵: 將麵團放回盆內, 蓋上保鮮膜, 在蓋上前要先塗薄薄一層牛油或麵粉在保鮮膜上, 然後放入之前已預熱攝氏30度的焗爐內發酵, 過程大約1-1.5小時, 或至少待它發酵至原來的2倍大

7. 當第一次發酵完成後, 將麵團由焗爐內拿出並倒回在工作桌上(同樣在工作桌上要先灑上少許麵粉), 跟着, 用手拍打麵團1-2分鐘, 作用是要排出麵團內的空氣, 與此同時, 你可加入一些額外的材料, 例如麥芽, 亞麻籽, 芝麻, 南瓜籽等, 如你想放合桃或果仁這些比較大粒的材料, 便要先將它切成小粒及烘一烘, 這樣比較香又好味

8. 第二次發酵: 將麵團隨你喜好的形狀放置在焗爐盤子上, 記得先在麵團四邊灑上薄薄一層麵粉, 然後再蓋上保鮮膜 (同樣, 保鮮膜要塗上一層薄薄的牛油或麵粉), 再發酵1-1.5小時或發酵至2倍大

9. 完成第二次發酵後, 將焗爐預熱至攝氏220度, 脫去保鮮膜及放入爐的中心位置烤焗25分鐘, 千萬不要用力地關上焗爐的門, 因用力過猛, 會使爐內的空氣擠出, 而在烤焗的過程中, 是需要有足夠的空氣來配合,所以要將門慢慢關上, 這樣你的麵包便會烤得更好味及鬆軟

10. 當烤焗完成後, 小心由爐中取出放在架子上乘涼, 你可立即嘗試你的作品或待麵包完全涼透後, 放入保鮮袋內, 然後再放入雪櫃保存