23 February 2009

The Natural Powers of Bay Leaf

Bay Leaf, originally uploaded by becness1.

Apart from using this wonderful herb in your Spaghetti Bolognaise, do you know that by placing a few pieces of bay leaves where cockroaches frequent will keep them away. That's right, cockroaches do not like bay leafs, instead they run away from them.

月桂葉這種天然香草, 除了可加在肉醬意粉內使其更美味之外, 原來你只要放幾片月桂葉在平常蟑螂出沒的地方, 是可以把它趕走的呢, 真的呀, 原來蟑螂本身十分討厭月桂葉氣味, 對此它們會避之則吉呢!