23 February 2009

Toddlers' Menu

Tri-Color pasta, originally uploaded by DTufte.

As we all know, our little toddlers are more interested in playing than eating, and many of us find it a real challenge to get our toddlers to sit still in their high chairs come feeding times. Why not make meal times as much fun as play times - try offering pasta of varying shapes and colours. For example, Funkimama's toddler favours tri-colour spaghetti and shell pasta, accompanied by a tomato and minced meat sauce, steamed with a table spoon of olive oil. You can also throw in some skinned yellow and red bell peppers. Take the opportunity to teach your toddlers the different colours too, e.g. "Where is the piece of yellow bell pepper? Yes, that's right, here it is, let's see how it tastes like ..." This type of dish looks and tastes so fabulous your toddler will have very little difficulty eating it. Happy Feeding! 要令喜歡玩多於吃的小寶寶乖乖坐定定在椅子上進餐, 想必是對媽媽的一個大挑戰吧! 其實, 我們是可以將進餐環節變成遊戲的一部份, 媽媽可將食物切成不同形狀, 另加入不同顏色的蔬菜, 這便可把普通的食物變得更吸引了, 就像funkimama一樣, 她的小寶寶比較喜歡吃意粉類食物, 於是她便將幾種顏色和不同形狀的意粉, 配以蕃茄肉醬, 加一小匙橄欖油一拚蒸煮, 這樣, 便成功地令她的小寶寶安坐位中進餐了, 除此之外, 我們亦可以加入一些顏色豊富的青色, 黃色及紅色的甜辣椒, 這類食物營養高, 賣相又吸引, 小寶寶一定喜歡, 試試看!