If you find it too tiring to be exclusively breastfeeding your little one, try alternating feeds with bottle substitute. Either breast milk or formula is fine. This will also give daddy or any other family member a chance to bond with your little one. My baby has always been given alternative feeds and he has very little nipple confusion and is as contented as he has always been!
各位媽咪會否跟我一樣發覺只是餵哺小寶寶吃母乳, 有時真的很累, 很累? 又怕他/她將來習慣了媽媽的乳頭而不喜歡吃奶咀, 其實妳們可以嘗試用奶樽來互相交替的, 無論是母乳或是奶粉也可, 我就是用這個方法, 成功地令小寶寶接受這2種吃奶方式, 而他也分別不到呢!